Brunswick Creche and Day Nursery
Food & NutritionAll food prepared by the Centre will endeavor to be consistent with the Australian Dietary Guidelines and provide children with the recommended dietary requirements.
Healthy Body, Healthy Minds
Our Centre recognises the importance of healthy eating for the growth, development and wellbeing of young children, and is committed to promoting and supporting healthy food and drink choices for our children in our care. Healthy eating has a major influence on children’s health and wellbeing and is important because eating habits are developed in the early years and carried through to adulthood.
All food prepared by the Centre will endeavor to be consistent with the Australian Dietary Guidelines and provide children with the recommended dietary requirements. The Centre provides Morning Tea, Lunch and Afternoon Tea. Our meal planning is guided by ‘Smiles for Miles’. Our 4 weeks rotating, seasonable menu is displayed in the foyer for parent’s information. A cook is employed to prepare and cook meals and maintain the kitchen facility. Educator is responsible for developing acceptable eating habits and social skills at the table and eating with the children.
If any special dietary needs are required for your child, including Allergies and Intolerances, Cultural or Religious Restrictions, or individual preferences, please discuss this with us and we will aim to accommodate and support these needs and choices as much as practicable. To ensure the safety of all children, please discourage your child from bringing food from home into the Centre.
Smiles for Miles
Early childhood services such as kindergartens and day care centres play an important role in promoting young children’s oral health. Early childhood is when many lifetime habits are established and offers the opportunity to prepare for good health in later years. As young children learn and develop they are constantly exposed to new experiences and respond by developing new behaviours and skills.
The Smiles 4 Miles program helps services put in place simple strategies to promote good oral health and healthy eating habits among children, which supports and enhances existing structures, programs and practices.
The Smiles 4 Miles program encourages a way of thinking and working that is adopted by the whole service in order to make it the best possible place to learn, work and play. The program encourages thinking broadly and creatively about what is happening in the service and what can be done to help make improvements to create an environment that supports oral health.

Our community run creche
Acknowledgment to the country
Brunswick Creche & Day Nursery respectfully acknowledges the traditional custodians of this land – the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation, their spirits, ancestors, elders and community members past, present and emerging.
Brunswick Crèche and Day Nursery Incorporated
ACN A0000346T
82 Glenlyon Rd Brunswick VIC 3056
Ph: (03) 9380 1740
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 7.15 – 6.00pm